San Cesareo (RM)
Worship Concert a Cause

Worship Concert for a Cause

by sr Sheila Mabilog, CSSS

Christmas is a season of giving, for whence, God gave mankind the greatest gift: Jesus Christ. It has been a tradition for the Congregation of the Sisters of the Holy Spirit – Philippines, together with the Holy Spirit School Community to hold an annual Christmas Sharing. This is part of our commitment to serving the Community especially the less-privileged among our brothers and sisters as exemplified by our own Mother Foundress Giuseppina Arcucci. It also intends to instill in the hearts of our own students, the value of sharing the so-called “3Ts”: Time, Talent and Treasure.

For these purpose, a fund-raising event was held last December 17, 2022 at the Holy Spirit School Gymnasium. This worship concert with the theme: “In joyful Hope for the coming of the “God-With-Us”, showcased the musical talent of our own students and teachers through performances in singing worship songs and playing instruments. Aside from being a means to praise God, these talents are indeed gifts to be shared with others.

Consequently, to actualize the spirit of giving, the 2022 Christmas Sharing was facilitated by the Congregation of the Sisters of the Holy Spirit- Biñan Community on December 23, 2022 at the Holy Spirit School Social Hall. The recipients of the sharing were around 170 students of Catechesis as part of the Sisters’ Apostolate every Sunday from 9:00 AM to 11:30 AM. These children are from the remote areas in the adjacent localities. Holy Spirit School teachers and Student volunteers assisted the Sisters in facilitating the Games and serving snacks and lunch/meals. Bags of goods were distributed to the kids for take home.

The Sharing was fun and fulfilling as if gave the Children the feel of the essence of Christmas: Giving and Sharing.